Weyers W. The “epidemic” of melanoma between under- and overdiagnosis. J Cut Pathol 2012; 39: 9-16.
Weyers W. Otto Schrön – an early pioneer in dermatopathology. Am J Dermatopathol 2011; 33: 177-184.
Weyers W. Die Hautbiopsie im Kindesalter. Akt Dermatol 2009; 35: 322-326.
Weyers W. A. Bernard Ackerman – 1936-2008. Am J Dermatopathol 2009; 31: 740-761.
Weyers W. In memoriam A. Bernard Ackerman. 1936-2008. Hautarzt 2009; 60: 165-166.
Weyers W. Jacob Henle – a pioneer of dermatopathology. Am J Dermatopathol 2009; 31: 6-12.
Weyers W, Diaz-Cascajo C, Preinfalk P, Löffler H. Mycosis fungoides unter dem Bilde eines Erysipels. JDDG 2008; 6: 298-302.
Weyers W. Histographische Schnittrandkontrolle. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit. Hautarzt 2007; 58: 746-752.
Weyers W. Alexander von Humboldt – patron extraordinaire of histology and histopathology – part 1. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2007; 13: 3.
Weyers W. A. Bernard Ackerman – the “legend” turns 70. J Am Acad Dermatol 2006; 55: 862-866.
Bornkessel A, Weyers W, Elsner P, Ziemer M. Epidermotropic metastases from squamous cell carcinoma of the lower female genital tract mimicking primary Bowen’s carcinoma. Am J Dermatopathol 2006; 28: 220-222.
Weyers W. Hermann Pinkus: An appreciation on the occasion of his 100th birthday. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2006; 12: 1.
Weyers W. The International Society of Dermatopathology at 25 years of age. A new era has begun. Am J Dermatopathol 2005; 27: 272-274.
Shimanovich I, Petersen EE, Weyers W, Sitaru C, Zillikens D. Subepidermal blistering disease with antibodies to both the p200 autoantigen and the a3 chaim of laminin 5. J Am Acad Dermatol 2005; 52: S90-92.
Wagner G, Diaz C, Weyers W. Fingerknöchelpolster. Akt Dermatol 2005; 31: 510-513.
Weyers W. Review of the book “Classics in Clinical Dermatology With Biographical Scetches, 50th Anniversary, 2nd Edition. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2005; 11: 3.
Ziemer M, Bornkessel, A, Hahnfeld S, Weyers W. ‘Specific’ cutaneous infiltrate of B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia at the site of a florid herpes simplex infection. J Cutan Pathol 2005; 32: 581-584.
Siewert E, Weyers W, Dietrich CG, Geier A, Lammert F, Matern S. Cutaneous mucinosis and skin necrosis complicates interferon alfacon-1 (consensus interferon) treatment of chronic hepatitis C. Eur J Med Res 2005; 10: 63-67.
Wagner G, Diaz C, Weyers W. Lokalisierter Morbus Darier. Akt Dermatol 2005; 31: 17-20.
Weyers W. Junctional, compound, and dermal melanocytic nevi: About the birth and growth of a useless classification. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2005; 11: 1.
Weyers W. Carl Rokitansky: His life, work, and contributions to dermatopathology on the occasion of his 200th birthday. Am J Dermatopathol 2004; 26: 431-438.
Weyers W, Petersen EE, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (XVII). Verkannter primärer Herpes genitalis. Gyne 2004; 25: 124-126.
Wagner G, Diaz C, Weyers W. Pityriasis versicolor unter dem klinischen Bild einer Papillomatosis confluens et reticularis. Akt Dermatol 2004; 30: 114-119.
Petersen EE, Weyers W, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (XVI). Vulvärer Lichen planus: Das Leitsymptom sind „weiße Netze“. Gyne 2004; 25: 6-8.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Weyers W, Bastida-Inarrea J. Follicular squamous cell carcinoma: a poorly recognized neoplasm arising from the wall of hair follicles. J Cutan Pathol 2004; 31: 19-25.
Weyers W, Diaz C. Grundlagen der Hautbiopsie. IV: Die klinisch-histopathologische Korrelation. Der Deutsche Dermatologe 2004; 50: 117-121.
Weyers W, Diaz C. Grundlagen der Hautbiopsie. III: Die histopathologische Beurteilung entzündlicher Dermatosen. Der Deutsche Dermatologe 2004; 50: 38-41.
Weyers W, Diaz C. Grundlagen der Hautbiopsie. II: Die histopathologische Beurteilung kutaner Neoplasien. Der Deutsche Dermatologe 2003; 49: 854-857.
Weyers W, Diaz C. Grundlagen der Hautbiopsie. I: Gewebsartefakte. Der Deutsche Dermatologe 2003; 49: 772-778.
Weyers W, Diaz-Cascajo C, Weyers I. Erythema annulare centrifugum. Results of a clinicopathologic study of 73 patients. Am J Dermatopathol 2003; 25: 451-462.
Weyers W, Petersen EE, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (XV). Erosiver Lichen planus der Vulva: Zur Abgrenzung von der Vulvitis plasmacellularis Zoon muss die Biopsie am Rande der Erosion erfolgen. Gyne 2003; 24: 186-189.
Weyers W. Superficial and deep dermatitis – a concept regarding diagnosis in historical perspective. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2003; 9: 4.
Petersen EE, Weyers W, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (XIV). Chronischer genitaler Juckreiz: Leitsymptom des vulvären Lichen planus. Gyne 2003; 24: 114-116.
Weyers W. Lost in fog – Brocq’s concept of parapsoriasis after 100 years. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2003; 9: 2.
Weyers W. The fourth dimension: Chronology in dermatopathology – a vignette in historical perspective. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2003; 9: 2.
Weyers W, Petersen EE, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (XIII). Lichen planus: Nicht selten ist auch die Vulva befallen. Gyne 2003; 24: 84-88.
Karamfilov T, Buslau M, Dürr C, Weyers W. Pansklerotische Skleroporphyrie nach langjähriger Exposition gegenüber organischen Lösungsmitteln. Hautarzt 2003; 54: 448-452.
Petersen EE, Weyers W, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (XII). Die Kompliziertheit des Banalen: Wenn Kratzeffekte Probleme bereiten. Gyne 2003; 24: 56-60.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Weyers W, Metze D. Fibroblastic/myofibroblastic sarcoma of the skin: a report of five cases. J Cutan Pathol 2003; 30: 128-134.
Weyers W, Petersen EE, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (XI). Lichen sclerosus der Vulva – eine chronische Erkrankung jeden Lebensalters. Gyne 2003; 24: 8-12.
Weyers W, Petersen EE, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (IV). Biopsie bei vulvovaginaler Candidose – wann und wo? Gyne 2002; 23: 80-83.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Weyers W, Borghi S. Pigmented atypical fibroxanthoma: a tumor that may be easily mistaken for malignant melanoma. Am J Dermatopathol 2003; 25: 1-5.
Petersen EE, Weyers W, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (X). Melanosis der Vulva und Vagina – ein klinischer Simulator des malignen Melanoms. Gyne 2002; 23: 272-274.
Weyers W, Ende Y, Schalla W, Diaz-Cascajo C. Balanitis of Zoon – a clinicopathologic study of 45 cases. Am J Dermatopathol 2002; 24: 459-467.
Weyers W, Petersen EE, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (IX). Die irritative Kontaktdermatitis der Vulva als Folge langfristiger externer Behandlungsversuche. Gyne 2002; 23: 226-230.
El-Segini Y, Schill WB, Weyers W. Case Report. Bullous tinea pedis in an elderly man. Mycoses 2002; 45: 428-430.
Weyers W. Criteria for diagnosis of melanoma histopathologically in historical perspective. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2002; 8: 4.
Weyers W. The discovery of tonofibrils. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2002; 8: 4.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Bernd R, Teresa M, Fernandez-Figueras, Borghi S. Malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the skin with marked inflammatory infiltrate: a sarcoma mimicking malignant lymphoma. Am J Dermatopathol 2002;24:251-256.
Diaz-Cascajo C. Epithelioid malignant schwannoma of the superficial soft tissues versus metastatic amelanotic melanoma. J Cutan Pathol 2002;29:382-383.
Weyers W, Petersen EE. Die Vulvabiopsie als Grundlage einer rationalen Therapie. Therapeutische Umschau 2002; 59: 454-458.
Petersen EE, Weyers W, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (VIII). Lichen simplex chronicus – Wenn die Epidermis chronisch mechanisch irritiert wird. Gyne 2002; 23: 202-204.
Weyers W, Petersen EE, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (VII). Schuppenflechte ohne Schuppung – eine häufige Manifestation der Psoriasis an der Vulva. Gyne 2002; 23: 184-186.
Petersen EE, Weyers W, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (VI). Extramammärer Morbus Paget – Jahrelange Fehldiagnose infolge einer sekundären Candida-Besiedlung. Gyne 2002; 23: 131-133.
Petersen EE, Weyers W, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (V). Multiple juckende Knötchen an den Labien – Syringome der Vulva. Gyne 2002; 23: 122-124.
Diaz-Cascajo C. Multiple recurrences of cutaneous carcinomas as a consequence of local tumor spread along nerves of traumatic neuroma. Am J Surg Pathol 2002;26:814-816.
Wollina U, Buslau M, Weyers W. Squamous-cell carcinoma in pansclerotic morphea of childhood. Pediatric Dermatology 2002; 19: 151-154.
Weyers W. Edmund Leser (1853-1916). The man and his work. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2002; 8: 2.
Weyers W. 150 years of cell division. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2002; 8: 2.
Weyers W. Zoster, pictorially and conceptually, during more than a century. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2002; 8: 2.
Petersen EE, Weyers W, Diaz C. Erkrankungen der Vulva (III). Bei schwerer Vulvitis ohne Leukozytose in der Nativmikroskopie muss auch an ein fixes Arzneimittelexanthem gedacht werden. Gyne 2002; 23: 48-51.
Weyers W, Diaz C, Petersen EE. Erkrankungen der Vulva (II). Die diagnostischen Grenzen der Vulvabiopsie dürfen nicht verkannt werden. Gyne 2002; 23: 27-32.
Weyers W, Diaz C, Petersen EE. Erkrankungen der Vulva (I). Die Indikation zur Vulvabiopsie sollte nicht zu eng gestellt werden. Gyne 2002; 23: 4-6.
Weyers W. Verocay: The body and the man. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2002; 8: 1.
Weyers W, Diaz C. Grundlagen der Hautbiopsie. Pathologe 2002; 23: 4-8.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S. Subcutaneous pseudomembranous fat necrosis: new observations. J Cutan Pathol 2002;29: 5-10.
Weyers W. The 21st Colloquium of the International Society of Dermatopathology. Am J Dermatopathol 2001; 23: 232-236.
Pestarino A, Borghi S, Dezzana M, Canepa M, Massone L. Off-center fold: asymptomatic follicular papules with alopecia on the lower part of the leg. Follicular mycosis fungoides. Arch Dermatol 2001; 137: 657-662.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Weyers W. Fibrous spindle cell lipoma. Report of a new variant. Am J Dermatopathol 2001; 23: 112-115.
Diaz-Cascajo C. Strong immunoexpression of the monoclonal antibody CD-30 in lymphocytic infiltrates of the skin not by itself evidence for diagnosing malignant lymphoma. Am J Dermatopathol 2001; 23: 79-80.
Llatjós R, Fernández-Figueras MT, Díaz-Cascajo C, Ribera M, Ariza A. Palisading and Verocay body-prominent dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: a report of three cases. Histopathology 2000;37: 452-455.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Hoos A. Histopathologic features of malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor are not restricted to metastatic malignant melanoma and can be found in primary malignant melanoma also. Am J Surg Pathol 2000;24: 1438-39.
Ziemer M, Diaz-Cascajo C, Köhler G, Weyers W. “Tubular Spitz’s nevus“ – an artifact of fixation? J Cutan Pathol 2000; 27: 500-504.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Weyers W. Panniculitis. Definition of terms and diagnostic strategy. Am J Dermatopathol 2000; 22: 530-549.
Weyers W. The fame and infamy of Hans Reiter. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2000; 6: 340-343.
Weyers W. Back to the Middle Ages? Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2000; 6: 231-233.
Weyers W. Failure to appreciate the validity of accusations about violations of ethics. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2000; 6: 225-230.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Weyers W. Pleomorphic lipoma with pseudopapillary structures: a pleomorphic counterpart of pseudoangiomatous spindle cell lipoma. Histopathology 2000; 36: 475-476.
Weyers W. Dysplastic nevus – atypical mole or typical myth? Book review. J Am Acad Dermatol 2000; 42: 701-702.
Weyers W. Exzision von Hauttumoren. Derm 2000; 6: 59-60.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Weyers W. Desmoplastic leiomyosarcoma of the skin. Am J Dermatopathol 2000; 22: 251-255.
Weyers W. Local spread of melanomas. Am J Surg Pathol 2000; 24: 1168-1169.
Diaz-Cascajo C. Histopathologic diagnosis of superficial soft tissue tumors, related lesions, and simulators: an algorithmic approach based on colors. Tumors with predominance of pink. Am J Dermatopathol 2000;22: 191-196.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Weyers W. Angiomatoid Spitz Nevus. A distinct variant of desmoplastic Spitz nevus with prominent vasculature. Am J Dermatopathol 2000; 22: 135-139.
Weyers W. The 21st Century – time for a reliable method for diagnosis in clinical dermatology. Arch Dermatol 2000; 136: 103-105.
Weyers W, Ackerman AB. The meaning of the life of Paul Gerson Unna. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2000; 6: 13-28.
Barzilai A, Shpiro D, Goldberg I, Yacob-Hirsch Y, Diaz-Cascajo C, Meytes D, Schiby R, Amariglio N, Trau H. Insect bite-like reaction in patients with hematologic malignant neoplasms. Arch Dermatol 1999;135: 1503-1507.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Weyers W, Retzlaff H, Requena L, Metze D. Benign lymphangiomatous papules of the skin following radiotherapy: a report of five new cases and review of the literature. Histopathology 1999; 35: 319-327.
Weyers W. The abuse of man: Dubious human experiments in dermatology. Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 1999; 5: 341-355.
Weyers W. The 120th Anniversary of biopsy. Dermatopathol. Pract. Concept. 1999; 5: 326-327.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Metze D. Angiofibroblastoma of the skin: a histological, immunohistochemical and ultrastructural report of two cases of an undescribed fibrous tumor. Histopathology 1999;35:109-113.
Weyers W, Reupke H, Kühnl-Petzoldt C, Diaz-Cascajo C. Erythema elevatum diutinum mit Churg-Strauss-Granulomen bei HIV-Infektion. Fallbericht und Literaturübersicht. Z Hautkr 1999; 74: 481-486.
Weyers W. Prurigo of Besnier. Dermatopathol. Pract. Concept. 1999; 5: 153-162.
Weyers W, Diaz C, Weyers I, Borghi S. Die Hautbiopsie. Hautarzt 1999; 50: 145-158.
Diaz-Cascajo C. Histologic diagnosis of superficial soft tissue tumors, related lesions, and simulators: an algorithmic approach based on colors. Am J Dermatopathol 1999; 21: 193-199.
Weyers W. Pathology of the skin, 2nd edition. Review. Dermatopathol. Pract. Concept. 1999; 5: 83-85.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Weyers W, Borghi S, Steinkraus V. Primär kutanes CD30-positives großzellig-anaplastisches Non-Hodgkin-Lymphom – ein Simulator anderer Hauttumoren. Zeitschr. Hautkr. 1998; 73: 614-618.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S, Bonczkowitz M. Pigmented atypical fibroxanthoma. Histopathology 1998; 33: 537-541.
Weyers W. Wickham’s striae. Dermatopathol. Pract. Concept. 1998; 4: 273-277.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Weyers W, Borghi S. Sclerosing dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans. J Cutan Pathol 1998; 25: 440-444.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Weyers W, Borghi S, Reichel M. Verrucous angiosarcoma of the skin: a distinct variant of cutaneous angiosarcoma. Histopathology 1998; 32: 556-561.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Weyers W, Rey-Lopez A, Borghi S. Deep dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: a subcutaneous variant. Histopathology 1998; 32: 552-555.
Weyers W. Civatte bodies. Dermatopathol. Pract. Concept. 1998; 4: 171-171.
Stefanato CM, Andersen WK, Calonje E, Swain FA, Borghi S, Massone L, Kowalski JV, Bhawan J. Langerhans cell histiocytosis in the elderly: a report of three cases. J Am Acad Dermatol 1998; 39: 375-378.
Karnbach C, Neuber K, Diaz-Cascajo C, Steinkraus V. Syringocystadenoma papilliferum und Trichoblastom innerhalb eines Naevus sebaceus. Hautarzt 1998; 49: 654-656.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Bloedern-Schlicht N. Cutaneous infiltrates of myelogenous leukemia in association with pre-existing skin diseases. J Cutan Pathol 1998; 25: 185-186.
Langrock A, Weyers W, Schill WB. Balneophotochemotherapie bei disseminiertem Granuloma anulare. Hautarzt 1998; 49: 303-306.
Weyers W, Bonczkowitz M, Weyers I. LE or not LE – that is the question. An unsuccessful attempt to separate lymphocytic infiltration from the spectrum of discoid lupus erythematosus. Am. J. Dermatopathol. 1998; 20: 225-232.
Diaz-Cascajo C, Weyers W, Borrego L, Inarrea JB, Borghi S. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans with fibrosarcomatous areas: a clinico-pathological and immunohistochemical study in four cases. Am J Dermatopathol 1997, 19: 562-567.
Weyers W, Weyers I, Bonczkowitz M, Diaz-Cascajo C, Schill WB. Lichen amyloidosus – a consequence of scratching. J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 1997; 37: 923-928.
Weyers W. Boeck’s disease. Dermatopathol. Pract. Concept. 1997; 3: 340-345.
Lange U, Niemeier V, Weyers W, Discher T, Teichmann J, Stracke H, Bretzel R. Bazilläre Angiomatose. Z. Hautkr. 1997; 72: 530-533.
Mayser P, Witzleben-Schürholz E, Weyers W, Rascher W, Schill WB. Klinik und Therapie der eosinophilen Zellulitis (Wells-Syndrom) im Kindesalter. Monatsschr. Kinderheilkd. 1997; 145: 357-361.
Weyers W. Circumscribed precancerous melanosis of Dubreuilh. Dermatopathol. Pract. Concept. 1997; 3: 157-165.
Weyers W, Kind P. A. Bernard Ackerman zum 60. Geburtstag. Hautarzt 1997; 48: 56-57.
Diaz-Cascajo C. Myoid differentiation in dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans and its fibrosarcomatous variant. J Cutan Pathol 1997; 24: 197-198.
Bastida J, Díaz-Cascajo C, Borghi S. Chemotherapy-induced acral erythema due to Tegafur. Acta Derm Venereol 1997; 77: 72-73.
Diaz-Cascajo C, de la Vega M, Rey-Lopez A. Superinfected cutaneous angiosarcoma: a highly malignant neoplasm simulating an inflammatory process. J Cutan Pathol 1997; 24: 56-60.