The International Society of Dermatopathology: A Richly Illustrated History on the Occasion of the 20th Anniversary of Its Founding

A richly illustrated history on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of its founding
Ardor Scribendi, New York 1999

Die International Society of Dermatopathology hat von ihrer Gründung im Jahre 1979 an die Dermatopathologie nachhaltig geprägt und dabei auch die Entwicklung der Dermatologie und Pathologie wesentlich beeinflusst. Dies geschah zum Beispiel durch das Hervorheben der Wichtigkeit präziser Definitionen und klar formulierter Diagnosekriterien, aber auch durch die Förderung internationaler Zusammenarbeit und Freundschaften. Beginnend mit einem kurzen Abriss der Geschichte der makroskopischen und mikroskopischen Dermatopathologie, werden die ersten 20 Jahre der International Society of Dermatopathology geschildert.

Kommentare zum Buch

By producing such a book so early in the life of the Society, Dr. Weyers has invested in the future. There will be a time when our descendants will want to know who were the past presidents … and what was the spirit of the Society. For those readers in the future, this book will be priceless. It shows people gathering together in many beautiful places throughout Europe and once in America. It shows them as they share their enthusiasm, as well as their willingness to learn themselves and help others to learn, the byproduct being a thriving dermatopathology. … There is also much in these pages about what existed before the coming into being of the International Society of Dermatopathology. The first chapter is a remarkable attempt to summarize more than 150 years of dermatopathology … By reading this chapter thoroughly, one can find many fascinating aspects of how microscopy of the skin became an authentic specialty. Reading it helps, too, to understand what threatens dermatopathology today. At the end of this 20-year history, Dr. Weyers gives us a hint about the future: Dermatopathology is in peril. This is another reason why history is so important. People who know their own history probably will be better prepared to fight for survival.

Bernard Cribier, Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2003; 9: 2.

Wolfgang Weyers … has produced a splendid work that recounts, in an illuminating way, the growth and development of the International Society of Dermatopathology. In addition, he reveals much more than the mere chronological record of the activities of the Society; he has captured its life, its atmosphere, and its aspirations. By seeking to add this important dimension, he inspires the reader to learn also about essential elements in the character, culture, and art of dermatopathology.

Helmut Kerl, Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2003; 9: 2.

Dr. Wolfgang Weyers’ history of the International Society of Dermatopathology at 20 years of age rekindled a fond remembrance of my formative years and why dermatopathology was so interesting to me even before I began a fellowship in it. However, Weyers’ book contains much more; it retells, by chapter and verse, almost every major event in the Society’s history, placing it in a much wider and more important context than I had ever appreciated before, even though I have been a member of the Society for years.

Mark A. Hurt, Dermatopathology: Practical and Conceptual 2003; 9: 2.

With dermatopathologists and dermatologists interested in the field, this book should find appeal. Written by Dr. Weyers, a well-known historian not only of the society, but also of dermatology in general, the short text (109 pages) offers details into the history of a relatively young organization founded in 1978. It also places its members in both a professional and a social context … Certainly, members of the International Society of Dermatopathology will wish to place a copy on their shelves.

E. Brian Russell, Journal of Cutaneous Pathology 2003; 30: 217..

Preis: $ 30,00 (Engl.)
Seiten: 109
ISBN: 1-893357-04-X
